Residential Homes
Did you know that nearly 1/3 of all water used within your home is flushed right down the drain?
The Greyter HOMETM is an award winning, low maintenance, compact, reliable, automated, and NSF 350 certified water recycling system that can help reduce indoor water consumption by as much as 25 percent in a family home. Furthermore, we developed the Greyter HOME with the homeowner’s safety and comfort in mind and so that it was bio-free. The system captures water from showers and bathtubs, treats it to a near-potable quality and provides clear, odor-free water to meet a home’s toilet flushing demands. Many municipalities are recognizing the benefits of residential water recycling to conserve regional water supplies and create water-efficient communities, especially in areas where growth is constrained by limited water resources. Over the long term, the Greyter HOMETM also contributes to a sustainable water managements strategy for the community and helps homeowners save money on water and sewer costs.
Enabling Builders, Municipalities and Homeowners to Create Water-Efficient Communities.
The Greyter HOMETM was designed in collaboration with several top US home builders, resulting in a residential water recycling system that meets the most important requirements for large-scale home development, while providing homeowners with a reliable, long-term water-saving solution. These features include:
01.Compact Size
02.Quick & Easy Installation
03.Certified to NSF Standard 350 (Delivers Near-potable Water Quality)
05.Minimal Maintenance
06.Low Energy Requirements
07.Highly Efficient Water Recycling – Up To 25 Per Cent
Only 31 inches wide, 72 inches tall and 19 inches deep, the compact Greyter HOME can be installed in a discreet location, such as a basement, garage or mechanical room.
Unlike many residential water recycling systems, the Gretyer HOME has no bulky outdoor or underground components to install or maintain.
The Greyter HOME requires only six plumbing connections and can be installed by a professional plumber in under two hours.
Rough-in plumbing is equally simple and, in most cases, can be completed in two to four hours.
Designed to meet stringent regulatory standards for indoor water reuse.
The Greyter HOME produces clear, odor-free, microbiologically safe water for toilet flushing.
The Greyter HOME is one of the lowest cost, advanced treatment systems for residential water recycling.
Moreover, the system can help builders gain municipal incentives for residential water recycling such as greater home density, lower water connection fees, accelerated permits and development credits.
Designed to provide reliable performance with little maintenance.
Routine maintenance includes adding to the chlorine dispenser and exchanging adsorption media.
For a typical family of four, the Greyter HOME requires only about 100 kWh of electricity per year to treat and pump recycled water for toilet flushing.
The low-maintenance ultrafiltration membrane enables the Greyter HOME to efficiently recycle greywater and reduce residential demand for potable water by as much as 25 percent.
Certain components of the residential greywater system are similar to Greyter’s commercial buildings solutions. However, in order to meet safety, reliability, and ease of use goals demanded by the residential market place, Greyter developed a proprietary membrane and pre-treatment innovation that have been designed, tested and certified within its patent pending system.
The Greyter HOMETM uses a non-biological self cleaning membrane and a self cleaning pre-filter in order to provide a safe, reliable, high performing and low maintenance solution. Many water treatment systems use filters to treat water which can clog and can require frequent maintenance. Others utilize a biological approach (requiring biomass) which can pose a risk in providing reliable operation. We developed the Greyter HOME with the homeowner’s safety and comfort in mind and so that it was bio-free. Not only does the quality of water discharged for reuse meet the NSF 350 standard for toilet flushing, but the risk of bacteria pass-through is eliminated by our proprietary self-cleaning membrane.
The first step in the process removes hair and large solids in a patent-pending, self-cleaning pre-filter. Water then passes through an ultrafiltration membrane that removes 99.99% of microorganisms, as well as soap and smaller solids. Following that, adsorption media removes remaining soap, color and odor before the water enters a storage tank and chlorine is added. A touchpad controller handles all aspects of system operation and provides homeowners with performance data, maintenance reminders and tutorials.

With only six standard plumbing connections, the compact, energy-efficient Greyter HOMETM Water Recycling System is designed for quick and easy installation into new residential developments. This simple process enables professional plumbers to install several systems per day, helping to dramatically reduce the cost of equipping growing communities with advanced water recycling appliances. The Greyter HOMETM is entirely self-contained – incorporating filtration, chlorination, pumps, controls and storage for treated water all in one space-saving unit. Unlike other residential water recycling systems, the Greyter HOMETM is installed completely within a home, occupies a small footprint and does not utilize buried tanks outdoors for water storage.