Multi Unit Residential and Commercial Buildings

We offer out-of-the-box water reuse technology to meet the needs of buildings with a wide range of water uses depending on the quantity of water available. Whether a large condominium or small hotel, we offer solutions for both large and small applications. A Greyter system can be installed in new buildings and in many instances retrofitted for existing buildings.
The pump station features the Greyter Commercial Controller, our proprietary electronic water management controller, which is responsible for the monitoring and control of the entire system, including greywater tank levels, system pressure and temperature, actuated valve control, disinfecting circuit, greywater diversion and water usage monitoring.
Product Information
Greyter’s CGW product line is designed for medium to large size buildings that are 10 stories and under. In all building types greywater or rainwater can be used of toilet flushing or irrigation and all sources of water are filtered and disinfected before reuse.
1. Overview (Greyter CGW): Drawing of how greywater circulates through the Greyter water system.
Overview2. Illustration (CGW Basic Overview): Drawing of the Greyter commercial greywater solution featuring the lift station, pressure filter, pump pallet and holding tank.
Overview3. Illustration (Above Grade System): Drawing of the Greyter above grade greywater commercial solution featuring parallel lift stations, filter stations and holding tanks.
Overview4. Data Sheet (CGW and RWH Pump): Drawing of commercial greywater solution featuring pump pallet sizing and specifications for various single and duplex pump configurations
Overview5. Data Sheet (CGW Series System): Drawing of commercial greywater solution – Designed for project that captures ~6000 litres daily for reuse
OverviewThe main components for Greyter’s CGW Systems include a Filter Station and a Lift Station. The Lift Station will drive the greywater/rainwater through the Filter Station before entering the holding tank.
Greyter’s Semi Commercial Solution can process and store 500 litres of greywater, with the ability of adding additional holding tanks with the maximum capacity of 3000 litres. Greyter’s SGW is perfect for buildings that have ~10-50 people.
1. Illustration (SGW 2000): Drawing of semi-commercial greywater solution in a small building
Overview2. Data Sheet (SGW Series System): Overview of types of buildings that are suitable for the semi-commercial greywater solution and features of the system
Overview3. Data Sheet (SGW 2000 – Tank Connections): Plumbing requirements for the semi-commercial greywater solution.
OverviewGreyter’s Rainwater Harvesting Solutions can be used for irrigation or toilet flushing and often are used in designs for one or the other or both. Although the disinfection process is rigorous rainwater needs to be filtered and disinfected in most applications.
Greyter has the ability to customize all designs and add on components to every system. Some of those accessories includes blue dye dispenser and pressure tanks.
1. Data Sheet (BDD): Features of Greyter’s unique dispensing device which can be used where local plumbing codes require that greywater be tinted with a dye.
Overview2. Data Sheet (PT): The Greyter Water Systems PT Series pressure tanks are used to support the Residential, Semi Commercial and Commercial greywater recycling systems by providing additional water storage under pressure to meet the total demands of a system if the pump is incapable of supplying the required volumes.