Chaz Yorkville Condos

Greyter Water Systems Selected By Chaz Yorkville Condos

Chaz Yorkville Condos
This 47-storey condominium is being developed by 45 Charles Ltd. And project managed by Edenshaw Homes. Older areas of many municipalities rely on a combined sanitary/storm sewer system where large storms cause overflows that can reak havoc on surrounding lakes and rivers. As such, the stormwater systems of new commercial building developments are often required to produce half the runoff that would have otherwise existed had the site been undeveloped. In order to reduce the stress of water runoff on the city’s stormwater management system, the Chaz is being designed with a water retention tank built right into the foundation.
Greyter Solution
Water collected from the mandatory stormwater retention tank will be treated by a Greyter smart water solution so that it can be reused for irrigating the complex’ lawns. Stormwater will be drawn from the building’s retention tank when water is called upon to be reused for irrigation. Since the stormwater tank is already part of the structure, the capital costs for the entire system were significantly reduced.