Bodystream Spa

Greyter Water Systems Selected By Bodystream Wellness & Spa

Bodystream Wellness & Spa
Bodystream Wellness and Spa offers a comprehensive spa and wellness experience at its 5,000 square foot facility in Barrie, Ontario. The center was designed with the best environmental practices in mind and one of these goals related to adopting an efficient water management practice that would reduce the quantity of municipal water used and sent to the sewer given the amount of water required daily by its customers.
Greyter Solution
The Greyter Water Systems’ innovation is used to collect and treat wastewater from the RO System, greywater from the tubs and showers, and water filtration backwash so that it can be reused to flush toilets for the 70 patrons using the facility each day. When greywater runs low, the system also was designed to provide make-up water from the rainwater harvesting system. When Bodystream is at capacity the Greyter Systems’ water management solution saves the facility close to one million liters (260,000 Gallons) each year.
“The system is saving us a great deal of water, it is very simple to maintain and has been running flawlessly since it was installed.” – Allan Labrecque, Bodystream Technical Director